Enhance The Way Your Students Find Their Career Pathway

A revolutionary talent acquisition and college/career readiness platform that provides students with post-secondary opportunities.

ScholarPath provides students with the guidance and resources necessary to discover their interests and passions, explore opportunities, and make informed decisions whether they are going to college, into the armed services, or straight into the workforce.

ScholarPath key features include:

Talent Acquisition

Connecting students with opportunities within colleges, the armed services, and local businesses through the social media broadcast feed.

Academic Course Planning

Students can pick a school-approved career pathway and select courses that align with that pathway.

Interest Surveys

Helping students discover their interests and passions.

Research Tool

Students can research colleges and other post-secondary institutions, the military, and local businesses.

Messaging Tool

With parent approval, students can communicate with opportunity providers.

Resume Builder

Students can build a life resume including school statistics, and other self-reported categories like accomplishments, athletics, clubs, activities, work-based learning experiences, and credentials.


Teachers can broadcast messages to students that will show up in the student’s social media broadcast feed.

3 Methods to Implement ScholarPath with Your Students


The school district has decided to use ScholarPath as a resource for their students and teachers as part of their college and career readiness program.  

1. ScholarPath Tech and District Tech coordinate to sync SIS data.

2. Onboarding district personnel.

3. Onboarding students.

4. School success coaches provide ongoing support


The school district has decided to make the ScholarPath platform available to their students to use outside the school day as a resource and a supplement to the school’s college and career readiness program and to ensure students receive post-secondary opportunities and information.

1. ScholarPath Tech and District Tech coordinate to sync SIS data

2. School Principal and ScholarPath Success Coaches will meet to determine school support activities.

3. Introductory letter to parents.

4. Students receive an email explaining the platform and login information.

5. Platform contains introductory videos for parents and students.

6. School success coaches provide ongoing support.


The school district has a specific plan to use the features of the ScholarPath platform during the school day for groups of students or grade levels and wants to make the platform available to ALL students outside the school day to ensure ALL students receive post-secondary opportunities and information.

1. ScholarPath Tech and District Tech coordinate to sync SIS data.

2. School Principal and ScholarPath Success Coaches will meet to determine school support activities.

3. Introductory letter is sent to parents.

4. Students receive an email explaining the platform and login information.

5. Platform contains introductory videos for parents and students.

6. School success coaches provide ongoing support.