Education and Workforce Development
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ScholarPath empowers students to discover their potential and explore opportunities.
Similar to other pathway-matching platforms, ScholarPath connects students with multiple options for their next steps after high school.
Featuring a government-compliant messaging system, ScholarPath provides a safe and secure space in which providers can search for prospective candidates (using our ScholarPath filters) and then open the lines of communication between parties.
Student information remains anonymous and protected until parents give consent for its release – but Pathway Providers are still able to send blinded messages to candidates who meet their desired criteria.
Access to Detailed Provider Information
ScholarPath’s process gives students access to detailed descriptions of colleges and universities, as well as information on admissions requirements, financial aid, and scholarships. ScholarPath also shows students what classes, activities, and skills it takes to reach their career goals. And all of this information is in one place!
Match Students with Providers
After parents approve, ScholarPath enables students to have one-on-one direct message conversations with providers—including colleges, universities, employers, or job or military recruiters. This ease of communication with schools and potential employers is unique to our platform.
Help Providers Find Student Matches
Our services are ideal for college, business, trade, and military recruiters who are searching for ideal candidates using specific search criteria. The platform connects our providers with the optimal students who meet their needs—streamlining talent acquisition and reducing the total time it takes to find the perfect fit.
The Path Forward
“Doug and Bill Mitchell’s startup ScholarPath helps graduating high school students figure out what’s next.”