Revolutionizing Education and Workforce Development

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ScholarPath empowers students to discover their potential and explore opportunities. 

ScholarPath Pathways

Similar to other pathway-matching platforms, ScholarPath connects students with multiple options for their next steps after high school. Featuring a government-compliant messaging system, ScholarPath provides a safe and secure space in which providers can search for prospective candidates (using our ScholarPath filters) and then open the lines of communication between parties. Student information remains anonymous and protected until parents give consent for its release – but Pathway Providers are still able to send blinded messages to candidates who meet their desired criteria.

Colleges & Universities

ScholarPath goes beyond traditional recruiting channels to build better relationships with potential applicants.

Business Employers

Through ScholarPath, employers can match with passionate and prepared students who are a perfect fit for their company.

Trade & Skill Employers

Trade employers can find and match with passionate and prepared students who are ready to hit the ground running.

Military Recruiters

We provide a way for all branches of the military to efficiently connect with potential recruits, increasing enlistment.


Exploring a Career as a Medical Assistant

A medical assistant is an important role in the healthcare field. They provide vital support to doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals. Medical assistants are often the first people...

Exploring a Career as a Medical Assistant

Exploring a Career as a Medical Assistant

A medical assistant is an important role in the healthcare field. They provide vital support to doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals. Medical assistants are often the first people...

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